
Music played by Sophie and written especially for her son by a family member.

Soundscape: washing breast pump.


“My experience of being in the neonatal unit was a very scary one, and one that was fuelled with conflicting, contrasting, and opposing feelings. I didn’t know whether to be scared or overjoyed, and I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. I didn’t know whether it was going to be a smooth ride or a bumpy ride”.

“I live with a constant fear that he’s going to die, and that’s really tricky. It’s really difficult to deal with, but at the same time I’m completely overjoyed that he’s here. It’s constantly this kind of contrasting thoughts”.

“I found a great deal of comfort sitting at his incubator with all these people round about me and him being so well monitored. I had people around me. There were all these people helping look after him. I could see at a glance that he was OK”.

Transitional Care

“There was nobody else in transitional care and the isolation that I felt in there was absolutely awful for me”.